Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm UK time




Remedies from the Sunnah

Please consult a professional doctor before purchasing our products. We cannot accept responsibility for injuries or accidents brought about by the improper use of our products.

We cannot accept responsibility for the statements and actions of cupping therapists.

The information provided on this website and in our newsletters, emails etc is intended for informational purposes only. The ideas, procedures and suggestions are not intended as a substitute for consulting a professional doctor. Please consult a professional doctor before beginning any form of new treatment or medication. Health Means Wealth cannot be liable or reponsible for any damage or loss allegedly arising from any information or suggestion on this website and in our newsletters, emails etc.

Those participating in the cupping (hijama) workshops do so at their OWN responsibility, no responsibility will be taken by the course organisers or the venue owners. 


It is recommended that wet cupping (hijama) is only administered by a professional cupping (hijama) therapist. It is upon the patient to enquire about the therapist’s qualifications, experience etc.

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